Sunday, December 20, 2009

How would you like this guy in your chimney? That's what I thought.

I wasn't told lies about Santa, instead I was always grateful that my parents would watch out and buy us the things we really wanted. Santa isn't too big in Turkey, and maybe that's because Santa is Turkish. I know some of you will try to deny the truth (and by some of you, I mean Michael), so just read the first sentence

Now that I've ruined your Christmas, Happy Holidays!


  1. God I love those pants and hairy legs. Hilarious. Awesome image. The color and texture are excellent and of course the character design is great.

  2. Santa is Turkish.. wow i never knew. Freakin' awesome Tuna Bora!

  3. copied from wikipedia about Saint Nikolaus day in germany: "But for many children, Nikolaus also elicited fear, as he was often accompanied by Knecht Ruprecht (Servant Ruprecht), who would threaten to beat, or sometimes actually beat the children for misbehaviour..." MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  4. Oh! Another good one:

  5. thanks guys!
    santa's dark past is revealed.
