Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Illustrated song

I love the song. The music video is OK.

Here's my drawing based off the line: "I know you might roll your eyes at this, but I'm so glad that you exist." And the drawing is of Julia and myself.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Time for a New Topic!

So the new topic is... Illustrate a line from a song. When you post your illustration - also post a link to the song so everyone can enjoy :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


man ... 3 months go by and im thinking mike could use a pick me up with this whole 'blog' thing . not to be outdone here is a laaate post for the sidewalker topic .

back in my old neighborhood in long beach there was this guy that would always go for power walks in the afternoon and wear short shorts with headbands and hand weights . hed always stop and talk to my grandpa whenever he'd wash the flowers but the funny thing is he actually never used the sidewalk whenever he'd walk . hed been hit by 2 cyclists and almost got run over by some guy backing out of his drive-way once .. you think a guy would learn

Monday, June 28, 2010

little-super-man's first day at school

I never liked the big kids at school.

I am going to animate this, as a 48 frame walk cycle... i think the contrasting movements will be reallllly fun to figure out.

I'm trying to come up with something that fits this formula, (i don't know if superman cape/lunchbox/figure is the best device:)

-Kid is on his way to school in the morning, joyfully in possession of something
-Kid is on his way back home during sunset, recalling the morning (the thought bubble), and lamenting the loss of the afore mentioned possession.

Any ideas? or does superman do it for you?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New topic: On a sidewalk

Hey everyone, there's a new topic in the land of part time dreamers. Illustrate someone on a sidewalk! this could be someone you see on your way to work, a street vendor from NY or an alley-cat. it's really up to you!


Monday, June 21, 2010

Bottling dreams

Hi everyone. I had this idea about bottling dreams and keeping them under a bed. This is kinda how I feel when I'm sketching in my notebook after a long day at work. I wanted to do this one really fast, but the consequence was that the drawing came out much less magical than I imagined. Any magical ideas?

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I'm kinda cheating here, but since i painted this FOR Mike, i think that could be him. What do you think? Three birds with one stone status...

Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm posting something to the blog because i want to !!!
I stayed up til about 3AM working on this pinup gal. It reminded me of working on part time dreamer posts a day before they were due! Yay! Lets post some more.

Here's the new topic, It's easy, so we don't have to spend muchos muchos tiempo on it. Do a simple line drawing (on a napkin, in photoshop, with mustard, whatever.) of a part time dreamer (I think that was Ians idea, so he gets crazy creds for it)!!!


Saturday, March 13, 2010

hot OR not-hot

nice topic ! that illustration was great too , and for some reason i got this idea ... this happens all the time anyway , i dont know about you guys , but i run into this everywhere . the mall , at school , library , movie theatre , gym ... list goes on . but its the "hot from behind , but far from hot" situation .

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"A Dog Named Hershey"

The first thing people usually say after seeing this is...

"You know dogs can't eat chocolate, they'll die..."

and I say...

"...I know."

Friday, February 26, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Here's a Two-fer

OK Fish! I hear ya... so in order to catch up I did a 2fer... Let's think of a topic tonight over dinner... Sorry for the temporary disappearance from PTD – work, enough said. I'm sure you all can relate. Luckily, things have started to level off had to take a creative break, so I turned to PTD to remedy my monotony.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What The What?

Guys. It's been forever. I invite you to pick a new subject, and participate even if you're behind on previous posts.


Your Friend, The Fish.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Movie Poster

Yes!!! I actually did it! This was like a dark cloud following me and raining on me wherever I went, but it's done!
I spent about 5 mins on the sketch, and about 2hrs on the piece itself.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Catching Up...

Hi Everyone,

We suck. Hahaha. Seriously, put one small Christmas in there and we're all gone! Let's fix this.
Here's my piece for the flight theme. And I have the movie poster in the making so don't think I'm cheating hehe.

What's the next topic? Does anyone have an idea?

Monday, February 1, 2010

flight !

i realize i havent posted anything ... and schools kicking into gear pretty quickly for me . but still , how can i overlook michael calling me a bum ! ive been playing a lot of Little Big Planet lately , so i figured i'd go in that direction . which , if youve played the game before , could maybe be an interesting new topic ? i dont know , happy monday everybody ! -ian

Friday, January 22, 2010

catchin up

Face Off is the best movie to study facial expressions........nicholas cage goes through 30 of them in 5 seconds.
Flight Time Machine!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Topic!?

Hey erryone!

I think we need a new topic.

Since It seems like everyone's busy, how about this, Let's make the new topic on Thursday of this week, and we wont submit until the monday after this upcoming monday (February 1st!). It will be like we're seeing into the future to get a head start on mondays topic. Whatchasay? Who'se gonna volunteer for this next topic?

So far I've restrained, because I think it can be discouraging, but I think at this point, It's more than ok to start heckling Eunice about her lack of posting.

Get 'er done

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Retro Movie Poster

Alright, this took forever!
(I hope Shaun Collings doesn't see my halfassed typographic bastardizations.)

Flight is in transit. I'll show you guys once it arrives :)

Monday, January 11, 2010


A tribute to my anime upbringing... cool planes that go up into space exploring an asteroid orbiting a planet in a far off galaxy. This should be fun, hopefully I can get this done... and maybe catch up on the rest.

Flight Work In Progress

I want to finish this one, but I figured I'd post my progress for comments. It's inspired by my tattoo, which I'll post when I put up my final for this one. I was raised Catholic and have always been fascinated by Christian iconography (despite having since left my faith behind). Saint Luke is the patron saint of painters, and in illuminated manuscripts he's represented by a winged ox. I love the image of such a lumbering, ordinary creature with these angelic wings. So anyway, I'm struggling with how tightly I want to render the ox because I'm liking the simplicity of the background. It's taking on a slight art nouveau feeling that I may play with. Thoughts?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Topic #6: Flight

Hey, so here's a very broad topic:


I wished I could do it since I was six years old. Airplanes are scary the first time you fly, and probably boring and annoying the most recent time that you've flown. Birds bones are filled with air. Hang gliders are probably the coolest thing since sliced bread.


PS. I replaced my topic from yesterday because I thought it was LAME.

Retro Movie Poster

Don't try to read the titles/copy yet!

I've spent 4.5 hours on this so far.
Another 2-4 and it'll be done.

Eunice, you picked a hard one, and I hate you for it.